Battle Botnets a sophisticated combination of cyber-terrorist software that creates computer zombies out of your computer to infect networks and other computers with trojan horses, worms, and integrates with IRC chatrooms! Botnet is a jargon term for a collection of software robots, or bots, which run autonomously and automatically. They run on groups of "zombie" computers controlled remotely. This can also refer to the network of computers using distributed computing software. STOP BOTNETS DEAD WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE SOFTWARE with NETWORK ANALYSIS OF INCOMING MESSAGES, KILL THE TROJAN HORSES, AND WORMS, TRACE AND TRACK THE HACKER TO A GEOGRAPHICAL AREA WITH GOOGLE MASHUPS! THIS IS THE MOST SOPHISTICATED COUNTER TERRORIST SOFTWARE IN EXISTENCE! New Reflect back to the hacker software with built in Servlet on the Service Online Website: NEW AND UNIQUE ANTI-PHISH THAT PREVENTS IDENTITY THEFT, AND PROVIDES TRACK OF THAT CRIMINAL SITE THAT WOULD STEAL YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, AND CREDIT CARD INFORMATION!
New Trojan Horse that infects updates by Trend Micro, McAffee, and Symantec email filters. Prevent the a new variant of the Storm Worm (aka Snow Worm) which is slamming into e-mail inboxes worldwide as an apparent patch or fix for a recent worm attack. According to Ken Dunham of Defense, this new variant worm includes anti-security measures to hinder analysis, and sends out copies of itself inside of a password protected ZIP file to evade anti-virus detection. Unfortunately, to further evade detection the e-mails sent are randomized with different filenames, different passwords, and different binaries within the ZIP file. Use AntiPhish to check out the website prior to opening the Zip file so that the Trojan Horse is prevented from an install! Notice the lower-left-hand highlighted URL that's a redirect to a criminal website!
NOW GET PROOF OF CONCEPT WITH INCLUDED SOFTWARE FOR LOW COST: PACKAGE INCLUDES Hacker DNS Lookup, DNS Trace, and Track, Password Generator(unlimited length - alphanumeric), and Network(Computer) Analyzer to detect, and locate suspicious IP addresses! NOW LINK UP TO MASH MAPUP CREATED WITH GOOGLE API TECHNOLOGY WITH PATENTED LOCATE AND ZOOM! PURCHASE ABOVE PROOF OF CONCEPT AND LINK UP TO SATELLITE MAP TO ZOOM IN ON HACKERS AND CYBERTERRORISTS! Get Proof of Concept to track with Network Analysis these criminal protocols, and antiphish software to determine what criminals do by web redirection!
NEWS ALERT WARNING : IE 7, released last week, allows a Web site to display a pop-up that can contain a spoofed Web address, security monitoring company Secunia said Wednesday. An attacker could exploit this weakness to trick people into believing they are on a trusted Web site when in fact they are viewing a malicious page. Purchase Cookie Popup Blocker to prevent before you get IE 7. With the above package prevent, by detection, of incoming malware from trusted sites as Samsung Electronics' U.S. Web site that is hosting a Trojan horse, which logs keystrokes, disables antivirus applications and steals online banking access codes. Trojan Horse infector: Trojan.PPDropper.C Opens a back door on the compromised computer by using Internet Explorer. Destroy this Trojan Horse that Semantic, and McAfee cannot with Trojan Horse Destroyer! TRACK OF A THEFT FOR THE U.S. ARMY. Given several packages, and a concept to trace, and track, a theft of a computer that provided email for the thief was provided! NOW DOWNLOAD THIS PROOF OF CONCEPT given Artificial Intelligence Program! With NETWORK ANALYZER, intrusion detection systems (IDS), Hack the hacker by Domain Server Lookup, tracking software, NET NODAL TREE ID, IP, DNS LOOKUP AND SPECIFY WITH TREE NODES THE RECOGNITION OF THE HACKER! proof of concept of multiple anti-cyber terrorists packages provided the method to trace, track, and identify the thief!
New reports from Security Companies provide evidence that JavaScript may be utilized to scan company computers, personal computers, networks, for peripherals, e.g., printers, external disk drives, stored personal, and company data, such as credit cards, for identity thefts, and financial information as bank accounts. To combat this you need NETWORK ANALYZER, tool to scan for messages that compromise the security of your network, or personal computer. Then TRACE, and TRACK the cyber terrorist with DNS LOOKUP . WARNING: APPLE, AND MAC now open to new Trojan Horse that worms its way into your computer and network: Kill those nasty worms with Worm Killer: Worm Killer, and SECURITY ENCRYPTION that searches out and finds those worms that prevent Norton, and MacAfee from killing them! A malicious program that could be the first Trojan in the wild to target Apple Computer's Mac OS X operating system has been discovered, security experts confirmed Thursday. Apple and outside analysts said the program, referred to as Leap-A: OSX/Oompa-A and the Ooompa Loompa Trojan Horse. CYBERTERRORISTS WILL USE ENCRYPTION TO SHIELD THEIR TROJAN HORSE NETBLOGS OR ZOMPIES! STOP THIS WITH SECURITY ENCRYPTION FROM THIS WEBSITE THAT DE-CRYPTS OR UNCRYPTS THE ZOMBIES. THEN SERVER_ER WILL SEND THE MALWARE BACK TO THE CYBERTERRORIST! In the near future, bots will include encryption to hide their presence from security and network sniffing tools often used to detect their presence, said Adam Meyers, an information assurance engineer at SRA International speaking at the Computer Security Institute conference here. "We will see encrypted sessions, and as things become encrypted, we'll have a more difficult time investigating botnets," Meyers said. Once it is installed on a PC, bot software typically connects to Internet Relay Chat to listen for commands. The IRC traffic can be a giveaway to the presence of bot software on a PC and can be spotted by security software such as intrusion detection systems (IDS) or protocol analyzers, for example NETWORK ANALYZER. RECENT UPDATE: WILL ADD POPUP DESTROYER TO ANY SERVER_ER PRODUCT FOR FREE!!
Passive approaches to prevent cyber terrorists from embedding email worms, cookies, applications and piercing the thin layer provided by firewalls open you or your company to attack by: 1. Worms that spread throughout your computer or network: The fast-spreading ''Sasser'' computer worm has infected hundreds of thousands of PCs globally and the number could soon rise sharply, a top computer security official said on Monday. ''If you take a normal Windows PC and connect to the Internet, you will be infected in 10 minutes (without protection),'' Mikko Hypponen, Anti-Virus Research Director at Finnish data security firm F-Secure, told Reuters. Security experts have spotted the first signs of a Blaster-like worm circulating underground, prompting fears that major Internet disruptions could be less than a week away. Anti-virus firms on Wednesday warned of abnormal port-scanning activity and evidence of a backdoor Trojan infecting machines through a known vulnerability in Microsoft IIs. 2. Denial of Service or Distributed Denial of Service for large, medium or small companies. 3. Zip worms or viruses that spread like confligation throughout your computer or network. 4. Invasion of your privacy, email ,applications, word documents by intrusions. Prevent these attacks with: ATTENTION: WORM KILLER that kills worms that are impossible to delete by Antiviral Programs(eg., Norton, McAffre).New program WORM KILLER with detection from your normal Antiviral program searches for the file and you enter the worm location. It then kills the worm after next boot!
1. Network Analyzer provides Intrusion Detection to identify hackers IP address, and domain by pattern detection! 2. Hack the hacker by Domain Server Lookup of these IP addresses and fake domains! 3. With Server_ER send the malware back to the cyber terrorist!!! Hack the Cyber Terrorist! Now recently includes SSL Secure Website processing of credit cards and private data. With COM+ Security prevent file access for Windows XP and Windows NT for Servers and Personal Computers! Closed Frame Based hacking of IE that validates false information or capturing of Credit Card information. 4. Encrypt your messages, files, downloads and private documents with Security Encryption with asymmetric key encryption, 64 bit hash coding and encryption and decryption! 5. Validate email, email notify, trace applications, connect to servers, hack the hackers website and provide Shock and Awe to the Hacker! 6. NET NODAL TREE ID, IP, DNS LOOKUP AND SPECIFY WITH TREE NODES THE RECOGNITION OF THE HACKER! TRACE THE SITE OF ORIGIN AND TRACK THE HACKER!
1/30/04-Flash warning: Mydoom.B Virus planned attack of SCO and Microsoft's websites may cause the worse effect of Denial of Service, infection by computer virus in your system directory that will activate the virus and spread to your network connections, friends, family and company! Email addresses now, credit card information, bank account may later be vulnerable!!! With Server_ER the malware will be returned to the initial source! If you open an email with attachments you are open to attack! If so email spoofing may be traced by HackerID_DNS_Password which will identify the hacker and crack his computer! A complete package of antihacker software is necessary before Feb.1!!!!!!!!!!!! Act now and purchase Server_ER at minimum and additional hacker software to combat the hacker!!!!! Flash Update: Server_ER with Email filter to prevent establishment of backdoors by Hackers! Combats denial of service or backdoors from email attachments for large servers, name servers, personal computers and workstations!!!! Stealth technology unique to Server_ER with cross platform software to prevent hacking, malware, denial of service and back doors with intrusion detection, TCP port scanning, email attachment malware and returns malware to the hacker!!!!!!!!!
Declaration of Objective and Accomplishments of New Millennium Software: Stanley Morganstein and New Millennium Software Engineering has from concept, design, documented, developed, tested and implemented a complete package for Government, Industrial, and Individual Security. This package includes Server_ER the first cross-platform Java and JSP independent platform for Intrusion Detection, Logging of intrusions, tracing hackers with DNS Lookup and domain identification, reflection of malware back to the hackers, asymmetric encryption of keys with public and private keys for encrypting messaging and files, and Network Analyzer for determining IP addresses of security intrusions analogous to the pattern detection method. Individual and combined packages provide a low cost solution to detection and identification of hackers, prevention of DNS capture, client side protection including TCP/IP protocol analysis, logging, tracing during internet connections and general proactive approach to prevention and active tracking of intrusions thereby determining the source of the intrusions. Summary of Worst Year for Hacker Invasion, 2003: In 2003, viruses and worms not only caused billions of dollars in damages and clean-up costs. They went so far as to shake the Internet's backbone. They slowed down travel, halted 911 calls, and knocked out ATM machines. From the Slammer attack in January to the MSBlaster and Sobig family that attacked in August, it was one rough year. ''Viruses and worms are being written now for financial gain,'' says Steve Sundermeier, vice president of products and services at Central Command Inc.
Play new 3d game Cyber-terrorist that prevents intrusion detection, and prevention before the virus, worm, or Trojan Horse attacks, and subverts your computer, or network.